Yellow-bellied Slider (Trachemys scripta)
We caught two of this species in same trap one was a normal colored smaller male while the other was a melanistic rather aggressive and larger male.
The melanistic individual, note that the yellowish markings are still present but are darker in coloration.
The smaller out of the the two turtles was one that had been recaptured and we determined that his code was 0.17 and the melanistic turtle had notches placed on him and was given the code 6.90.
Yellow-bellied 0.17
Plastron: 134.3 mmCarapace: 151.6 mm
Weight: 542 grams
Yellow-bellied 6.90
Pastron: 155.6 mm
Carapace: 170.5 mm
Weight: 740 grams
The Yellow-bellied tends to live to no longer than 30 years of age. When these turtles first hatch they are mostly carnivorous but as they age their diet shifts to favoring plant material, although they are omnivorous throughout their lives and will spend most of their time in the water only coming out to back in the sun's heat.
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